Saturday, September 3, 2016
Opera Mini For BlackBerry Updated To v6 1
Opera Mini For BlackBerry Updated To v6 1

The latest version of Opera Mini for your BlackBerry smartphone, introduced great features that make it a snap to get to the web pages you want. Operas improved compression technology also help you save money on data charges.

- One field does it all. You can now type both web addresses and search queries in your browsers address field. Or, if you prefer, you can still use the search field with your favorite search engines.
- Auto-suggest saves you typing. Suggestions from Google search and your browser history appear as soon as you begin typing. Select what you want, and youre done.
- Address entry is finished for you. Domains such as .com, .org, or .net are added automatically when typing a URL. Now, they also learn more from the sites you visitsuch as .gov, .edu, or that of your country.
- Easy and powerful text selection. When you want to select text, hold your finger on what you want. Handles appear around a word that allow you to select precisely. You can then copy the text or search with it.
- Complex pages made simple. An option to have webpages laid out in a single-column view makes it easy to read large webpages with many parts on a small screen, without needing to scroll back and forth.
Click here to download
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