Thursday, December 1, 2016

New Generation of File Swapping

New Generation of File Swapping

I have been browsing the internet for sometime and I have seen all kinds of websites from the funniest, the lamest to the outrageous. Recently I came across a website which I can only describe as creepy.

The basics of the website is you upload any file of choice (documents, photos, multimedia files) and after waiting for a while, you get offered a file that another user has uploaded (and in the same way the file that you uploaded will be sent to someone else). Just that. Tried it twice, first uploading a .doc file of a blog which I had posted and later, a rather funny cartoon which a friend had sent me. In return I got a 30 second porn clip and a photo of a young woman, probably uploaded by a jilted lover.

Knowing how much wily Zimbos have become of late, I know some someone will think up of an idea on how to make money from that site. Or better still, how to abuse in a rather cunning and crafty way. If somebody gets some bright ideas, please do count me in the plot but meantime just head over to and see what you will get in return after uploading your files.

Go to link download